Friday 31 December 2010

You tube uploads

Hi just put on lots of you tube uploads that I recorded over the Christmas period, Christmas prsiie haul, boxing day sale bargains, lots of Lush, and some cute Hello Kitty slippers.
Just had a Lush Bath with the Dorothy bar, I love it.
Amanda xx

Famous Daves Moisure Tan Review

I always wanted to try this product as I had heard some good things and as a lot of you know I love my Faux tanning, tried loads on the market.

I saw that this was in the Debenhams sale at half price so ordered it, couldnt wait to try it.

I applied it at night after exfoliating this is the darkest one they do as I like a deep natural looking tan.

Another reason I purchased is because it states that there is no horrid faux tan smell that you get with alot of fake tanners. It smelled like cocnuts when I applied it, not much smell at all, however I woke the next morning with a headache as the fake tan smell was so strong that I couldnt wait to shower this off.

Hoping it would reveal a deep dark tan underneath I was a little dissapointed, it was hardly noticable, very ligh and golden.

I went back on to read more reviews and people were saying the same.

I applied a second coat much better, but I really think you would need to apply 3 or 4 coats before you went a nice dark colour and seeing as this is over £25.00 full price, that would work out pricey.

I would give this producr 6/10, dont think I would repurchse as it came off patchy too

Buy Moisture Tan Dark with Bronzer

Winner of competition and a happy new year to all

Happy new year everybody, lets hope its a good one. And the winner of my Christmas competition is Salamdua, sorry to all those who didnt win, but I will be doing a new year give away shortly so keep watching. Please could the winner contact me within 5 days to clain your prize otherwise it will be offered to another. Well done x
Amanda xx

Monday 27 December 2010

My new make up storage

Hi everyone , shortly before Christmas I decided it was time to sort out and renew my make up and storage. I went on a trip to Ikea after being inspired by many videos on you tube regarding the Malm drawers from Ikea, so off I went on a hunt.
Because my bedroom is shabby chic/Laura Ashley esqu they had to be in either white or cream, well thank goodness they do a cream set that I love.
These storage drawers are exactly what I was looking for I would recommend these to any one thinking of updating their storage.
Ikea do a range of storage drawers, some with mirrors on as well. so its well worth having a look as the sale should be on now too.
I also got some make up storage units made escpecially for holding lipsticks and make up etc, also from ikea these fit in the drawers, and they can be found in the bathroom section of Ikea, ive done a you tiube vid on these if you take a look.
While I was there I also updated my make up brush holder, by buying a small vase and bought some tiny coloured pebbles to go in the vase to stand the brushes up.
Hre are some pics:

Ikea Malm drawers

Laura Ashley dressing table where all the preening goes on lol

Happy Christmas

Hi everyone, ide just like to wish all my followers a Happy Christmas and a happy new year, above pic is Nemo my Golden retriever gaurding the pressies lol. xx