Saturday, 15 October 2011


Hi Guys so sorry ive been away for long. Unfortunately I had to have another stay in hospital recently, and I have to say after the medication etc, its really knocked be about. Ive also lost a stone in weight and havent been dieting at all.

Im really only just begining to get myself back into the spring of things, and have recently been doing a few vids on you tube and have also uploaded some old ones ive been meaning to do for ages.

Im begining to feel a little better now, so hopefully il get busy on my blog again, as ive missed you all.

On a more lighter note, ive had a few hauls lately that ive uploaded onto my you tube channel, including a huge Elf haul, and also a Lush haul, so take a peek.

Ive got lots to put on my blog but have to take some pics first and my camera is playing up a bit, so have to take on my iphone, not brill.

So my gorgeous beauties I hope to chat soon, and hope your all doing well.

Bye 4 now
Amanda xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad ur back and glad to hear that ur ok